Rabindra Mahavidyalaya
Champadanga, Hooghly
Answerscript submisdion for Theory exam II IV VI 2021 Dept of zoologyPractical examination (Dept Zoology)Second internal (Dept of zoology)Attention for InternaL Of GE CC 4First internal Assessment of ZoologyCommencement of class in Zoology DepartmentENVS project submissionMicrobiology SEM- I practical examination. 2020Microbiology SEM-V practical examination....Microbiology SEM- III practical examination....Notice for SEM... III practical examination....ENVS question bankENVS classInternal and practical GE/CC -III by EM (DEPT of Zoology)Environment Study ProjectEnvironment Study ProjectPractical Examination of SEM I and SEM III and Sem V (Department of Zoology)SEM I General (Zoology) Practical & internal ExamRMV_ENGLISH(HONS) DEPARTMENTAL EVENTSSchedule of Internal Assessment 2021 for B.A ,PLSG ,5 Sem (Generic )Internal assessment for Zoology Department SEM-III HONS CC-7 SRD & PKMSchedule of Internal Assessment Exam 2021 for B.A.1st sem Hons Pol.ScPHILOSOPHY (HONS) SemI& SEMV INTERNAL ASSESSMENT NOTICEInternal Examination 2020-2021 SEM 1,CC 1 by PIYALI PAKHIRA, ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT. ENGLISH(HONS) SEM I INTERNAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE History dept. : Semester- I & V Hons.& Gen. Internal Assessment 2020-21Internal Assessment SEM - V (Hons) CC-11 by PKM & SRD (Department of Zoology)Reschedule date of Internal Examination.Dept. Of Zoology.Sem-V..Hons.Paper-DSEI.Animal BiotechnologyInternal Examination 2020-2021 SEM V ,CC 12 by PIYALI PAKHIRA, ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT.Zoology (Sem I/III/V) Internal assessment (2020-2021) notice (SND)Internal Examination 2020-2021 sem V, General, SEC 3 by PIYALI PAKHIRA , Zoology DepartmentInternal Examination 2020-2021 sem V ,DSE 3 by PIYALI PAKHIRA, ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT.Internal Examination... Dept. of Zoology.. Sem-III, Honours.. Paper-SEC-1, Prof. E. MondalInternal Examination... Dept. Of Zoology.. Sem-I..General.. Paper-CC-1. Prof. E. MondalInternal Examination... Dept. Of Zoology.. Sem-1..Honours..Paper-CC-1.. Prof. E. MondalInternal Examination... Dept. Of Zoology.. Sem-III, Honours.. Paper-CC-6. Prof. E. MondalInternal Examination... Dept. Of Zoology.. Sem-V Honours.. Paper-DSE -3.. Prof. E. MondalInternal Examination... Dept. Of Zoology.. Sem-V General.. Paper-DSE1.. SRD & EMInternal Examination 2020-2021 sem 3, SEC 1 by PIYALI PAKHIRAInternal Examination 2020-21,Zoology Honours ,SEM -3, CC5 by PIYALI PAKHIRASEM III & V INTERNAL ASSESSMET_DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISHL 1_2 _INTERNAL ASSESSMENT_13.01.2021Internal Examination 2020-2021 (ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT)Internal Assessment in the Department of History for Semester- III & V Hons & Gen 2020-21 Examination schedule of Part -2 Hons and General examination for back candidates of Political SciencNOTICE FOR ASSESSMENT PART 2 HONS.& GEN. SANSKRITNOTICE FOR INTERNAL RE-ASSESSMENT SEM 2 & SEM 4 GEN.SEC-2 SANSKRITNOTICE FOR INTERNAL RE-ASSESSMENT SEM 2 & SEM 4 GEN. SANSKRIT Internal Assessment for Part - II Backlog candidates of History Hons. and General notice for sem 2 GE/CC SANSKRITSem-4(Gen)_Internal Assessment Exam-2020_Entrepreneurship (TKB)B.Com Honours Subject CombinatonsB.Com General Subject CombinatonSem-4(Gen)_Internal Assessment Exam-2020_Financial Acct-II, Cost Acct-II, Comp. Appl. in Bus. (PCS)Sem-2(Gen)_Internal Assessment Exam-2020_Cost Acounting-1 (TKB)Semester - 2 (Gen)_Internal Assessment Examination 2020_Principles of Economics (PCS)Semester - 2 (Gen.) Internal Assessment Examination 2020_Business Law (TKB)4th SEMESTER GENERAL (CC FOR PURE PASS STUDENTS ONLY)INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICE4th SEMESTER GENERAL (GE FOR Hons STUDENTS ONLY)INTERNAL ASSIGNMENT NOTICESem-4_Internal Assessment Exam-2020_Fund. of Human Resource Management & Entrepreneurship (TKB)Sem-4_Internal Assessment Exam-2020_Fund. of Marketing Management & Comp Appl. in Business (PCS)Semester - 2 Internal Ass. Exam. 2020_Macroeconomics (SEM-2) & Bus. Math. and Stat. (SEM-4) by PCSSemester - 2 Internal Assessment Examination 2020_Business Law & Cost Accounting (TKB)L1-2 Study MaterialsDepartment of Commerce_Class Routine (Revised) w.e.f. 10.11.2020 Department of Commerce _Class Routine
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