Rabindra Mahavidyalaya

Champadanga, Hooghly

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By Srestha Santra on 2021-03-03 06:19:07
To BP mam all audios from "The Crack Up" was very helpful to me.

By Srestha Santra on 2021-03-03 06:15:42
The special lecture on 'Tintin in Tibet' was very helpful. Thank you sir.

By Soniya Samanta on 2021-01-17 05:47:52
The special lecture on 'The Adventures of Tintin' was very helpful. Thank you sir.

By Pijush Bhul on 2021-01-17 05:03:59
The special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" was very much pertinent for us and am very pleased to attend this kinda lecture. Thanks a lot sir.

By Manami Samanta on 2021-01-17 03:24:31
The special lecture on “Tintin in Tibet”was very much helpful for us. Thank you sir.

By Moumita patra on 2021-01-17 01:14:20
The special lecture on “Tintin in Tibet”was very much helpful for us. Thank you sir.

By Priyanka Samanta on 2021-01-16 16:43:21
Today's special lecture about "Tintin in Tibet" was very clear and helpful for us . Thank you sir.

By Sangeeta Jana on 2021-01-16 16:19:29
Today's special lecture about “Tintin in Tibet” was very helpful & understandable. Thank you sir.

By Sutapa Hait. on 2021-01-16 16:12:52
Sir,today's your special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" was very helpful. Thank you sir.

By Sangita Sana on 2021-01-16 16:05:02
Today's special lecture on "the Adventures of Tintin" was helpful. Thak you sir.

By Aparna Santra on 2021-01-16 16:04:36
To Soumyadeep Sir : Today's special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" is very helpfull and understandable to me.Thank you so much sir.

By Papiya Adak on 2021-01-16 15:59:40
Today's series of "Tintin in Tibet" was well discussed by soumyadeep sir . It is very helpful for us . Thank you sir.

By Moumita Chakra on 2021-01-16 15:46:37
Today's special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" was discussed helpfully by Soumyadeep sir. Thank you sir.

By Moumita Dolui on 2021-01-16 15:42:46
Today's special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" was very well and helpful for me.Thank you so much sir.

By Moutushi Ghosh on 2021-01-16 15:38:45
Today's special lecture on "Tintin in Tibet"was well discussed. It is very helpful, thank you sir.

By Piyali Makhal on 2021-01-16 15:16:14
Today's special lecture on " Tintin in Tibet" was well discussed by soumyadeep sir.It is very helpful for me thank you sir.

By Indrani Mandal on 2021-01-16 15:12:29
Today's lecture on "Tintin in Tibet" was very helpful for me. Thank you sir

By Sohan Adhikari on 2021-01-16 15:08:58
Today's special lecture On"Tintin in Tibet" was well discussed by soumyadeep sir. It is very helpful for me .thank u sir

By Pitrya Mandal on 2021-01-16 15:08:57
Today's special lecture on 'the Adventures of Tintin' was helpful. Thank you sir.

By Ananya Manna on 2021-01-16 15:07:00
Today's series of "Tintin in Tibet" was well discussed by soumyadeep sir. It is very helpful for us. Thank you.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2021-01-16 14:50:41
Today's special lecture on 'the Adventures of Tintin' was helpful. Thank you sir.

By Santwana Maity on 2021-01-16 14:40:59
Today's series of "Tintin in Tibet" was well discussed by soumyadeep sir. It is very helpful for us. Thank you

By Sohan Adhikari on 2021-01-16 03:39:13
To BP ma'am : all audios from "The Crack Up" is very helpful for me

By Indrani Mandal on 2021-01-15 14:22:06
To BP ma'am - all the lectures from crack up is very helpful.

By Indrani Mandal on 2021-01-15 14:20:34
To BP ma'am- all the lectures from Alice is very helpful and understandable. Thank you ma'am

By Manisha Patra on 2021-01-15 09:13:41
To BP ma'am : ma'am all lectures from Alice adventure also very helpful . Thank you ma'am

By Manisha Patra on 2021-01-15 09:11:33
To BP ma'am : all audios from "The Crack Up" is very helpful for me

By Soniya Samanta on 2021-01-14 09:21:46
BP ma'am , all the audio lectures of "The Crack Up" are very helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Moumita Chakra on 2021-01-14 07:19:37
To B.P madam: your audio lectures on "Crack Up" are clear and helpful for me. Thank you Ma'am.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2021-01-14 04:28:34
To BP ma'am:- All the recorded lectures on "Crack Up" are very helpful and understandable. Thank you ma'am.

By Sangita Sana on 2021-01-13 15:00:47
To BP ma'am : All the recorded lectures on Fitzgerald's "Crack Up" are very helpful to me. Thank you so much ma'am.

By Aparna Santra on 2021-01-13 13:46:37
To BP mam:Mam all the recorded audio on Fitzgerald's "Crack Up" are very helpful to me. Thank you so much mam.

By Srestha Santra on 2021-01-05 11:40:34
To BP MAM :- All the recorded lectures about "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" is very helpful for me. Thank you mam

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-12-23 15:25:53
To B.P. ma'am: The uploaded audio lectures on Partition Literature and Khushwant Singh's "Train to Pakistan" are clear and easily understandable.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-12-22 14:28:49
Today's special lecture on the socio-political trajectory delivered by prof. Rima Ghosh was very interesting .

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-12-22 13:55:48
To BP madaam , audio lectures of "The Crack Up" is very helpful for me. Thank you so much mam.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-12-22 03:48:00
BP madaam , audio lectures of "The Crack Up" is very helpful for me. Thank you madam.

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-12-19 13:24:45
To BP ma'am:All the recorded lectures about "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland" Are very helpful and understandable. So thank you so much ma'am.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-12-17 11:54:16
To B.P. Ma'am : Ma'am all your recorded lectures of Train to Pakistan is very helpful to understand the text.

By Ananya Manna on 2020-12-16 11:50:12
All the recorded lectures from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful. Thank you ma'am.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-12-15 15:48:50
To BP ma'am all the recorded lectures about "Alice's Adventure in wonderland" is very helpful.Thank you ma'am.

By Pijush Bhul on 2020-12-12 17:39:58
To B. P. Ma'am:- All the recorded lecturers on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" were clearly comprehensible . Thank you so much Ma'am.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-12-11 08:51:33
To BP ma'am- today's class was very helpful and understandable. Thank you ma'am.

By Sangeeta Jana on 2020-12-10 14:44:06
To BP ma'am all the recorded lectures about "Alice's Adventure in wonderland" is very helpful.Thank you ma'am.

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-12-10 14:34:00
To BP ma'am all the recorded lecture s about "Alice in Wonderland" is very helpful and understandable.

By Moutushi Ghosh on 2020-11-28 16:23:08
All the recorded lectures from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful. Thank you ma'am.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-11-28 09:29:52
All the recorded leactures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Tanmoy Santra on 2020-11-26 15:35:53
To B.P ma'am: The recorded lectures about Khushwant Singh's "Train to Pakistan" are clearly understandable and very helpful...Thank you ma'am.

By Tanmoy Santra on 2020-11-26 15:30:41
To B.P ma'am: All the uploaded lectures on "The Second Coming" are clear and very heplful to me. Thank you ma'am.

By Sima Maity on 2020-11-26 15:05:31
For B.P ma'am: The recorded lectures on "Train to Pakistan" are easily understandable and very helpful to me. Thank you ma'am.

By Sima Maity on 2020-11-26 15:03:23
For S.N ma'am: The lectures on the four poems of "Gitanjali" are very clear and understandable to me. Thank you ma'am.

By Ankan Kumar Das on 2020-11-26 08:30:07
To B.P mam it is very helpful to me and I clearly understand the about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland".

By Manami Samanta on 2020-11-26 08:27:30
Thank you mam .You helped us all . All the audios about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very useful.

By Ananya Manna on 2020-11-26 07:41:55
To BP ma'am: All the recorded leactures on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are really helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Moumita Chakra on 2020-11-26 06:33:01
To B.P Ma'am:All the recorded lectures on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are clear and very helpful for me. Thank you Ma'am.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-11-26 04:33:25
To B.P. ma'am: The recorded lectures on Partition Literature and Khushwant Singh's "Train to Pakistan" are really helpful.

By Srestha Santra on 2020-11-26 02:59:44
To BP mam: All the recorded lectures about"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for me. Thank you mam.

By Sangeeta Jana on 2020-11-25 03:28:04
To BP ma'am: All recorded lectures about "Alice's in Wonderful" are very helpful .

By Paramita Pandit on 2020-11-25 00:38:49
All the recorded lectures of Khuswant Singh's 'Train to Pakistan' are very clear and helpful to me. Thank You Ma'am.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-11-24 12:37:37
All the recorded leactures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-11-24 11:54:09
All the recorded leactures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Piyali Makhal on 2020-11-24 09:24:42
All the recorded leactures about"Alice's Adventures in wonderland" are very helpful for me.Thank you mam.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-11-24 08:55:07
All the recorded leactures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for me. Thank you ma'am.

By Aparna Santra on 2020-11-24 08:49:57
To BP mam:Mam all your recorded lectures on "Alice's adventures in Wonderland" are very helpfull to me.Thank you so much mam.

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-11-24 08:46:34
To BP ma'am: All the recorded leactures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for us. Thank you ma'am.

By Moumita patra on 2020-11-24 05:39:03
To BP ma'am:your recording of“Alice's Adventures in wonderland"are very much helpful for us .Thank you ma'am.

By Sangita Sana on 2020-11-24 03:53:59
To BP ma'am : All the recorded lectures about "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very much helpful and very clear and understandable to me. Thank you Ma'am.

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-11-23 16:37:48
To BP ma'am: All the recorded leactures on "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" are very helpful for us. Thank you ma'am.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-11-23 16:07:14
To B.P ma'am:All the uploaded lectures about 'the Partition Literature' and Khushwant Singh's 'Train to Pakistan' are very clear and understandable to me.Thank you ma'am.

By Pijush Bhul on 2020-11-23 13:33:59
To B.P. Ma'am:All the recorded lecturers on 'Alice in Wonderland' was immensely helpful and very easy to understand. Thank you so much Ma'am.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-11-23 13:00:44
(B.P. Ma'am):All the recorded lectures about 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' are very helpful. Thank you Ma'am.

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-11-21 16:07:53
For B.P ma'am: The recorded audio lectures about Khushwant Singh's "Train to Pakistan" are easily understandable and extremely helpful for us.

By Ishika Jana on 2020-11-21 12:22:47
For B.P ma'am:All the uploaded lectures about 'the Partition Literature' and Khushwant Singh's 'Train to Pakistan' are very much helpful and understandable. Thank you ma'am.

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-11-21 09:11:15
For A.B.Ma'am : Your explanation of the text ' The Love Song of J . Alfred Prufrock' is very informative and understandable .. Thank you ma'am ..

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-11-21 09:10:43
For A.B. ma'am: All your classes about "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" are really very helpful and easily i can understand your lectures. Thank you.

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-11-21 09:01:34
For B.P. ma'am: Your all recorded lectures on "Train to Pakistan" and also the important notes about partition are very helpful and understandable to me. Thank you.

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-11-21 09:01:33
For B.P. Ma'am : Thank you very much for all your recorded lectures and study material about partition and 'Train to Pakistan ' .

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-11-21 08:52:04
For S.N.Ma'am : Your lectures on four poems of Gitanjali are very helpful and informative .. Thank you ma'am ..

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-11-21 08:51:23
For S.N. ma'am: The lectures on four poems of Gitanjali are very informative and very clear and understandable to me. Thank you.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-11-16 15:05:02
For B.P.Maam : Ma'am all your audioes about the introduction of partition literature and Train to Pakistan is very understandable and helpful.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-11-16 15:03:15
For S.N. Ma'am : Ma'am you have beautifully explained all four poem's of Gitanjali .

By Paramita Pandit on 2020-11-16 15:00:19
The recorded lecture of 'Train to Pakistan's is very clear and understable to me. Thank you ma'am.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-11-12 13:50:13
To BP ma'am:The explanation of "The Second Coming"is very helpful. Thank you ma'am

By Sarmistha Mondal on 2020-11-06 11:08:46
To B.P Ma'am the explanation of Yeats poem "The Second Coming " is very helpful to understand . Thank you ma'am.

By Ishika Jana on 2020-10-22 15:49:05
To,B.P ma'am:The recordings on W.B.Yeats's "The Second Coming" are very much helpful and informative. Thank you ma'am.

By Sima Maity on 2020-10-22 06:43:52
To B.P. ma'am: the recordings of "the Second Coming" is clear and very helpful. The explanation of 'the gyre image' is also helpful and understandable.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-10-21 02:23:17
To B.P Ma'am:all the recordings lectures of the poem "The Second Coming" is very helpful and understandable.I didn't have any problem.Thank you madam.

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-10-19 17:22:19
To B.P. ma'am: The recorded lectures and the pdf file on W.B.Yeats's "The Second Coming" were very helpful and understandable.

By Pramita Sadhukhan on 2020-10-19 15:06:41
To BP ma'am:The explanation of "The Second Coming"is very helpful. Thank you ma'am

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-10-19 03:16:00
To BP maam:All the recordings of popular literature are very helpful and understandable. So,thank you a lot madam

By Srestha Santra on 2020-10-19 02:28:06
To B.P mam : All the recordings from American literature are very helpful . Thank you mam .

By Paramita Pandit on 2020-10-18 04:37:28
For BP ma'am, the explanation of the first stanza of Yeats's 'The Second Coming' is very clear and understandable to me.Thank You Ma'am.

By Rima Karmakar on 2020-10-17 15:04:06
For B.P. ma'am: The explanation of the first stanza of 'The Second Coming' was very helpful.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-10-17 08:02:54
Today's class on Translation Studies was very clear and understandable. It was very helpful. Thank you.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-10-17 04:50:16
For B.P. ma'am: The explanation of the first stanza of 'The Second Coming' was very helpful. Besides, the pdf has helped a lot to comprehend the concept of 'gyre'.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-10-17 01:05:38
For B.P Ma'am : The recordings on Second Coming and explanation on Yeats's 'Gyre Theory' were very much helpful

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-10-17 01:02:19
For S.N Ma'am : Ma'am your class on Dickinson's two poems were very clear and understandable.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-10-16 05:12:12
To BP ma'am: All the recordings from American Literature are very helpful.Thank you ma'am.

By Gopal Chandra Manna on 2020-10-15 08:25:31
To B.P.ma'am: All the recordings are very helpful to me and easily I can understand your lecture.Thank you madam.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-10-15 03:15:39
To B.P. ma'am: Thank you for expounding the first stanza of Yeats's'The Second Coming'. The lecture was really helpful.

By Manisha Patra on 2020-10-11 08:22:46
To BP ma'am: All the recordings from American Literature are very helpful.Thank you ma'am.

By Rimpa Maity on 2020-10-10 06:41:13
To B.P ma'am : All your recordings are very helpful to me .Thank you ma'am .

By Rimpa Maity on 2020-10-10 06:35:27
To S.N ma'am : The lectures on Dickinson's poems "I'm a wife" ; I have finished that" and "I cannot live with you " are very helpful and understandable . Thank you ma'am .

By Rimpa Maity on 2020-10-10 06:17:39
To B.P ma'am : All the recorded lectures of the poem "Leda and the Swan" are very helpful to me . Thank you ma'am .

By Kausick malik on 2020-10-09 02:38:55
S.N. ma'am: lecture on Dickinson's poems were brilliant'and easy to understand ...Thank you ma'am...

By Kausick malik on 2020-10-09 02:35:45
B.P.ma'am: the recording on W.B.Yeats's 'Leda and the Swan'was excellent and it was easy to understand.

By Sima maity on 2020-10-03 13:50:22
To soma madam:you have very clearly explained the poem I'm wife;I've finished that'and " I can't live with you". I understand two poem very easily. Thank you ma'am.

By Sima maity on 2020-10-03 13:33:11
To B.P ma'am all the recordings of the poem"leda and the swan" are very helpful to me and understandable. Thank u ma'am.

By Sarmistha Mondal on 2020-10-03 06:02:00
To B.P Ma'am all the recordings of the poem "Leda and the Swan " help me to understand the poem very clearly and the discussion about mythological and political background help me a lot....Thank you.

By Sarmistha Mondal on 2020-10-03 05:43:46
To B.P Ma'am your discussion about introduction of mordern period and its characteristics, features help me a lot... Thank you ma'am.

By Paramita Pandit on 2020-10-03 04:28:47
To BP ma'am:all the recorded lectures on W.B.Yeat's poem 'Leda and the Swan'are very helpful to me .Thank You Ma'am.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-10-03 04:04:41
To Soma Ma'am:you have very clearly explained the poem "I Cannot Live with You".I understand the poem very well.I did not have any problem thank you ma'am.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-10-03 03:58:22
To B.P ma'am:all the reference of Greek myth story in "Leda and The Swan" i.e the birth of Helen,the Trojan war,and the dead of Agamemnon that you describe is very understandable.Thanks a lot ma'am.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-10-03 03:52:23
To B.P Ma'am:you have very clearly explained the poem "Leda and the Swan".I understand the poem very well.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-10-02 14:46:50
To B.P. ma'am: Thanks a lot for your sincere effort in helping us to comprehend Yeats's poem "Leda and the Swan". All the lectures and today's discussion vis-à-vis the poem were extremely helpful.

By Ishika Jana on 2020-10-02 12:17:31
To B.P ma'am: The recorded lectures and today's discussion on W.B.Yeats'"Leda and the Swan" were very helpful and understandable. Thank you ma'am.

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-10-02 12:06:57
To B.P ma'am:Your explanation on "Leda and the Sawn " is excellent..It's very helpful and understandable ..

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-10-02 12:02:23
To B.P.ma'am: all the recorded lectures on W.B.Yeats's 'Leda and the Swan' were easily understable and helped me a lot to understand this Sonnet.

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-10-02 11:47:44
For B.P ma'am:The lecture on W.B.Yeats's poem "Leda and the Swan" is very helpful as well as informative.I clearly understood this topic. Thank you.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-10-02 11:39:45
To B.P maam : all the recorded lectures of Leda and the swan are very helpful for understanding the poem .

By Ranita Das on 2020-10-01 14:14:58
to BP ma'am: The audio leatures about crow testimeny are clear and helpful and online class to be also useful, so thank you madam.

By Moumita Chakra on 2020-10-01 06:01:37
To B.P ma'am: your audio lectures about "Crow Testament" are clear and helpful,your online class'discussions are also useful.so,thank you madam.

By Manojit Ghosh on 2020-09-30 20:10:19
From today's final discussion we actually gets a proper clarification about the poem the "Crow Testament".B.P mam also clear our all doubts through her lacture.So, thank you mam.

By Aparna Santra on 2020-09-30 17:44:24
To BP mam: Mam today's discussion on the poem 'Crow testament' in Google meet is really helpful to me. Thank you mam.

By Papiya Adak on 2020-09-30 17:05:27
To B.P ma'am: Today's discussion about"Crow Testament is very helpful for me. All the recording we're very helpful". Thank you ma'am.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-09-30 15:03:22
Today's discussion about "Crow Testament is very helpful for me. All audio are also useful".Thank you BP madam

By Sangita Sana on 2020-09-30 14:14:47
To B.P ma'am:Today's discussion about Crow Testament is very helpful and understandable. Thank you very much ma'am.

By Sangeeta Jana on 2020-09-30 09:15:08
To B.P ma'am: Today's discussion about Crow Testament is very helpful.Thank you ma'am.

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-09-30 07:13:07
To S.N ma'am:The lecture on Dickinson's poem I'm "Wife"-I've finished that is very helpful and understandable. Thank u.

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-09-30 07:00:27
To B. P. Ma'am, Today's discussion about Crow Testament by Sherman Alexie through Google meet and all the recordings were very helpful. Thank u Ma'am.

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-09-30 06:52:21
To- B.P ma'am. Today's class and all recording audio on "Crow Testament" is very helpful for me.Thank you ma'am.

By Moutushi Ghosh on 2020-09-30 06:42:30
Helpful. Mam the query about Crow Testament by Alexie Sherman Alexie in Google meet online class and also recording audio both are very helpful for me. Thank you mam.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-09-30 06:42:29
To- B.P ma'am: Today's class (Crow Testament) was very understandable. Short questions discussion was very helpful. Thank you very much ma'am.

By Pijush Bhul on 2020-09-30 06:29:23
To- B.P. Madam , Today's query about Crow Testament by Sherman Alexie through Google meet was immensely considerable. Thank u so much Ma'am.

By Susovan Modak on 2020-09-30 06:02:30
B.P. Madam: Madam the quiry about Crow Testament in Google meet and the recordings are very helpful. Thank you madam.

By Subhra Akash Murmu on 2020-09-30 06:02:06
All Audio are very useful . Thank you ..

By Susovan Modak on 2020-09-30 05:58:09
B.P. Madam: Madam the quiry about Crow Testament in Google meet and the recordings are very helpful. Thank you madam.

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-09-30 05:55:10
To Basabi ma'am: all recorded lectures and discussion on"crow testament" are very helpful.Thank you ma'am

By Santwana Maity on 2020-09-30 05:54:10
All audio are very usefull.Thank you

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-09-30 05:51:12
Ma'am "Crow Testament" ar recorded lecture sunachi r google meet a quiry o clear hoya gacha kono problem nei ma'am.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-09-28 08:27:49
S.N ma'am: Question discussion class on 'Rape of The Lock' was very helpful. Thank you very much ma'am.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-09-28 05:31:35
To SN mam: yesterday questions discussion on "The Rape of the Lock" was very helpful to me. Thank you mam

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-09-28 04:06:49
SN ma'am, question discussion on "The Rape of Lock" was very helpful. Thank you ma'am.

By Srestha Santra on 2020-09-26 14:00:03
To BP mam: mam all recording are very helpful and understandable.Thank you mam.

By Srestha Santra on 2020-09-26 13:46:21
To SN mam: yesterday questions discussion on "The Rape of the Lock" was very helpful to me. Thank you mam

By Aparna Santra on 2020-09-26 08:19:26
To BP mam:Mam all your lecture on the poem 'Prologue' are really beneficial to me. Thank you a lot mam.

By Aparna Santra on 2020-09-26 07:45:39
To SN mam:Mam yesterday question-answer discussion on 'Rape of the lock' is very helpful to me. Thank you so much mam.

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-09-26 06:41:25
BP madam, the introduction on poem "Crow Testament"was very helpful. Also 'the history of black people in America in 3 phrase'this topic is much essential for me. Thank you madam

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-09-26 06:35:12
SN madam ,yesterday question discussion on "The Rape of Lock" was very beneficial of me. Thank you madam.

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-09-26 02:07:56
To S.N. ma'am: Yesterday class on "The rape of lock" (canto-1) was very helpful to us.Thank you a lot ma'am.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-09-25 16:09:38
To A.B. ma'am: Your lecture on the tenets of modernism as well as postmodernism was really fascinating. Thanks a lot.

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-09-25 04:32:06
To S.N. ma'am: easily understable lecture on Dickinson's poem 'I'm wife I've finished that'...Thank you ma'am...

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-09-24 07:12:14
To S.N. ma'am:Your lecture on Dickinson's poem was really beneficial. Though 'I'm wife I've finished that' is not a seminal work of Dickinson, nevertheless the lecture helped a lot decipher her dictio

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-09-24 04:33:28
To B.P mam it is very helpful to me and I clearly understand this topic.

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-09-24 02:40:07
To B.P ma'am:all audios from ''Prologue'' are very helpful to us.

By Pramita Sadhukhan on 2020-09-23 13:31:23
To S.N ma'am: Today's class on Dickinson's poem"I'm wife-I've finished that"was very helpful... Thank you ma'am.

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-09-22 09:31:27
To BP ma'am all audios from "Prologue" are very helpful

By Srestha Santra on 2020-09-22 07:46:05
To SN mam: mam today's class was very helpful to me .

By Srestha Santra on 2020-09-22 07:36:10
To BP mam: mam all audios from passage to India are very helpful for me.

By Aparna Santra on 2020-09-21 14:02:18

By Susovan Modak on 2020-09-20 03:34:41
To BP madam : Madam , Passage to India's audios are very helpful to me.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-09-19 17:23:20
To BP ma'am: Mam all audios from Passage to India are very helpful for me.

By Manisha Patra on 2020-09-19 16:56:39
To BP ma'am: Mam all audios from Passage to India are very helpful for me.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-09-18 07:47:32
For S.N. ma'am: Today's class was very helpful and Understandable. Thank you ma'am.

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-09-16 10:09:37
For S.N ma'am:Your description on the text "Bliss" is very helpful to me.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-09-16 06:36:20
For B.P. ma'am : Ma'am you have very clearly explained the text Draupadi . All the materials are very helpful .

By Rima Karmakar on 2020-09-14 07:30:17
All recordings are very helpful and online classes are also good to understand the text.

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-09-09 12:02:48
For B.P.ma'am: easily understable and very informative lectures on 'Draupadi'...Thank you ma'am..

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-09-09 09:08:07
To B.P mam all audio are helpful.. Thank you

By Kausick malik on 2020-09-09 06:02:27
A very clear explan about the mythical background of Naxalite movement and the text Draupadi by B.P ma'am. Thanks for this.

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-09-09 06:00:34
For B.P. ma'am: Thank you for uploading a lecture on 'Advice to Women'. It's very helpful

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-09-08 15:49:15
For S.N. Ma'am : Ma'am you have described beautifully the text “Bliss”. It's very helpful.

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-09-08 15:46:30
For A.B Ma'am : Ma'am you have very clearfully defined the text The Yellow wallpaper. It's very helpful

By Paramita Pandit on 2020-09-07 14:35:09
ForB.P ma'am,your lecture on 'Draupadi'is very clear and helpful to me.Thank you.

By Sarmistha Mondal on 2020-09-07 02:30:20
To B.P Ma'am:All recordings of "Draupadi" help me to know the story very easily ... and your explanation about Noxalite movement help me a lot ...thank you ma'am for all these recordings.

By Somasri Manna on 2020-09-06 17:05:20
"Draupadi" er recording gulo sune valovabei bujte perechi ma'am problem hoyni.

By Pramita Sadhukhan on 2020-09-06 04:35:45
To B.P ma'am: Ma'am explanation on'' Draupadi''is really excellent...It has helped me a lot....Thank you ma'am

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-09-05 11:01:38
To B.P ma'am: All audios are very clear and helpful. Thank you ma'am.

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-09-05 11:01:38
To B.P ma'am: All audios are very clear and helpful. Thank you ma'am.

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-09-05 05:16:24

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-09-05 04:42:10
For BP mam :your explanation about "passage to India"is very helpful.it helps me a lot..

By Sima maity on 2020-09-03 16:25:02
For B.P. ma'am: all recording are very helpful and understandable

By Ishika Jana on 2020-09-02 13:00:17
All recordings are very helpful to me and online classes are also good to understand the text.

By Kausick malik on 2020-09-02 02:33:35
Basabi ma'am explain "Nyadosh" is very good and clear. It is really helpful to me and thank you ma'am for this audio recording.

By Atanu Ghosh on 2020-09-01 15:31:17
B.P. ma'am you well explained the “Nyadosh, The Incredible Cow”. It helps me a lot.

By Madhurima patra on 2020-09-01 07:13:15
It is very helpful and informative for us.

By Priyanka Malik on 2020-09-01 07:13:06
Ma'am it's very informative and it's help me a lot.

By Srestha Santra on 2020-08-31 18:18:32
For B.P mam it's very helpful to us .

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-08-31 18:02:34
Basabi ma'am,your lecture on 'Draupadi'is very helpful and informative ..

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-08-31 17:03:46
For B.P. ma'am: very understandable and informative lecture on "Draupadi"

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-08-31 16:44:34
Basabi maam you have very clearly explained the Naxalite movement as well as the mythical background of the text Draupadi ...a very helpful lecture.

By Subham Bag on 2020-08-31 16:36:51
Very helpful and this lecturs are doing a very improvement in our studies

By Kausick malik on 2020-08-31 15:20:28
Very helpful and admirable

By Kausick malik on 2020-08-31 15:20:15
Very helpful and admirable

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-08-31 15:08:51
For B.P. ma'am: very helpful lectures on 'Draupadi'

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-08-31 12:29:04
It's very helpful to us

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-08-28 01:29:41
Very helpful

By Srestha Santra on 2020-08-25 08:49:30

By Moumita Chakra on 2020-08-21 15:03:23
Helpful and appropriate for our studies.

By Arpan Samanta on 2020-08-21 02:59:31
Helpful and appreciable lectures...

By Sangeeta Jana on 2020-08-20 13:59:02

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-08-20 13:57:18

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-08-20 04:52:41

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-08-19 16:56:59

By Raj howlick on 2020-08-18 15:53:36

By Santwana Maity on 2020-08-18 13:37:15

By Srestha Santra on 2020-08-18 12:29:58

By Kankana dan on 2020-08-18 10:52:46

By Kartik chandra Maity on 2020-08-18 09:48:18

By Praduit dey on 2020-08-18 09:43:34

By Praduit dey on 2020-08-18 09:43:19

By Piyali Makhal on 2020-08-18 09:32:55

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-08-18 09:31:57

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-08-18 09:31:46

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-08-18 09:29:53

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-08-18 02:52:29
Very helpful..

By Priyanka Samanta on 2020-08-12 11:24:05

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-08-11 16:54:41
It is really very helpful and understandable. Thanks a lot for this initiative.

By Ananya Das on 2020-08-11 16:52:19

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-08-11 15:58:19
Very helpful

By Moutushi Ghosh on 2020-08-11 14:33:51

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-08-11 11:20:36
Thanks a lot for such va lecture

By Ananya Manna on 2020-06-24 02:46:07

By Bidisha Maiti on 2020-06-23 14:32:00

By Manami Samanta on 2020-06-23 09:23:49

By Ankan Kumar Das on 2020-06-23 09:23:31

By Jemima Yasmin on 2020-06-21 07:06:28
it's a good initiative.....

By Moutushi Ghosh on 2020-05-24 15:58:07

By Atanu Ghosh on 2020-05-18 07:30:01
Commendable Initiative

By Mayna Adhikary on 2020-05-14 14:43:16
Very helpful and understandable

By Ananya Das on 2020-05-14 14:00:57

By Moumita Bera on 2020-05-12 07:15:58
Very helpful

By Souvik Rakshit on 2020-05-11 09:32:50
Very Helpful initiative

By Kartik chandra maity on 2020-05-10 04:04:43
Important study ka liye

By Arpita Ghosh on 2020-05-05 11:56:21
Helpful and admirable

By Tamoghna Mukherjee on 2020-05-01 14:58:51
We're really thankful to our teachers for taking such an initiative. These lectures and materials ar

By Sangita Sana on 2020-05-01 04:23:17

By Krishna Dhara on 2020-04-30 06:48:40
The materials are very beneficial for us .

By Soma Maji on 2020-04-25 06:04:56
Very helpful and understandable

By Susovan Modak on 2020-04-24 11:33:24

By Pranay on 2020-04-24 08:33:06

By Ankita Jana on 2020-04-24 06:36:20

By Mohini Debnath on 2020-04-24 06:02:32

By Piyali Makhal on 2020-04-22 15:15:39

By Praduit dey on 2020-04-22 13:58:26

By Moutushi Ghosh . on 2020-04-22 13:51:56

By Moutushi Ghosh . on 2020-04-22 13:47:22

By Manami Samanta on 2020-04-21 15:26:19

By Manami Samanta on 2020-04-21 15:25:22

By Ankan Kumar Das on 2020-04-21 14:59:11
Very Helpful

By Lipsa Manna on 2020-04-20 15:35:05
Very helpful and admirable

By Soniya Samanta on 2020-04-16 08:28:23
Helpful for our studies

By Pitrya Mandal on 2020-04-16 04:55:49

By Papiya Pal on 2020-04-15 12:55:43

By Sukanya Goswami on 2020-04-15 12:31:30

By Sohan Adhikari on 2020-04-15 11:44:48

By Irsha Pakhira on 2020-04-15 06:04:25

By Sourav duley on 2020-04-14 05:59:24

By Subhra Akash Murmu on 2020-04-14 03:41:39
Very nice

By Ananya Manna on 2020-04-14 02:30:55

By Motinath Chakrabortty on 2020-04-14 02:29:56
A helpful step for e learning

By Praduit dey on 2020-04-13 16:53:21

By Sourav Kanrar on 2020-04-13 16:38:32

By Mansa Samanta on 2020-04-13 16:32:01

By Mansa Samanta on 2020-04-13 16:31:37

By Swarnendu Jana on 2020-04-13 16:23:42

By Srija Purkait on 2020-04-13 16:12:06
Helpful and satisfied

By Salma Mahbub on 2020-04-13 15:12:23

By Raj howlick on 2020-04-13 14:47:42

By Piyali Panja on 2020-04-13 14:44:33

By Piyali Panja on 2020-04-13 14:43:46

By Moumita patra on 2020-04-13 13:57:32

By Ankita Bera on 2020-04-13 13:57:30

By Moumita patra on 2020-04-13 13:56:06

By Ankita Bera on 2020-04-13 13:55:31

By Trina Paul on 2020-04-13 13:41:30
commendable initiative

By Pramita Sadhukhan on 2020-04-13 13:40:15
very helpful

By Prity Samanta on 2020-04-13 13:27:49
Making a smooth way for our studies

By Shrestha patra on 2020-04-13 13:27:41

By Sutapa Hait on 2020-04-13 12:58:17

By Hemayanti Bhowmick on 2020-04-13 12:49:23

By Hemayanti Bhowmick on 2020-04-13 12:48:27

By Papiya Adak on 2020-04-13 12:42:59

By Sangeeta Jana on 2020-04-13 12:42:46
Help ful

By Munna Mandal on 2020-04-13 12:34:04

By Piyali Chakraborty on 2020-04-13 12:30:57

By Piyali Chakraborty on 2020-04-13 12:30:42

By Piyali Makhal on 2020-04-13 12:28:33

By Sujan Patra on 2020-04-13 12:28:15
Very good step of learning

By Palash Kumar adak on 2020-04-13 12:01:49

By Bhagyashree Samanta on 2020-04-13 10:40:25

By Ranita Das on 2020-04-13 10:35:23

By Ranita Das on 2020-04-13 10:33:51

By Ranita Das on 2020-04-13 10:32:32

By Sayan kr. Mandal on 2020-04-13 10:18:39

By Sayan Mandal on 2020-04-13 10:17:59

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-04-13 09:48:24

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-04-13 09:48:00

By Puja Manna on 2020-04-13 09:40:31

By Puja Manna on 2020-04-13 09:39:49

By Pijush Bhul on 2020-04-13 09:35:39

By Moumita Dolui on 2020-04-13 09:35:11

By Manisha Patra on 2020-04-13 09:30:06

By Sukanya Malik on 2020-04-13 09:30:05

By Rima Khanra on 2020-04-13 09:14:25
Helpful and admirable

By Santwana Maity on 2020-04-13 09:12:10

By Santwana Maity on 2020-04-13 09:11:51

By Santwana Maity on 2020-04-13 09:11:49

By Srestha santra on 2020-04-13 09:07:45

By Srestha santra on 2020-04-13 09:07:20

By Arnab Ghosh on 2020-04-13 09:04:13

By Arnab Ghosh on 2020-04-13 09:03:59

By Moumita Chakra on 2020-04-13 08:59:43

By Indrani Mandal on 2020-04-13 08:54:40

By Manojit Ghosh on 2020-04-13 08:31:22

By Sougata De on 2020-04-13 08:20:34
Helpful and appreciable

By Pritha Nandy on 2020-04-13 08:18:22
Helpful initiative

By Sukanya Chowdhury on 2020-04-13 08:17:01

By Riya Manna on 2020-04-13 08:15:50

By Pronobi Porel on 2020-04-10 07:11:04

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